Flight Data Analysis (FDA)



Flight Data Analysis (FDA)
Duration: 2.5 days
CEUs: 2
Tuition: $2,000 USD

Transforming flight data into useful AND ACCURATE information can be fraught with challenges and pitfalls.

This course covers all aspects of flight and voice data for accident investigation and prevention. The course is designed for accident investigators and those who wish to specialize in flight data analysis. It is also designed for airline/military flight safety specialists and FOQA/FDA analysts.

The quality and quantity of information recorded on modern aircraft has made the understanding of flight data analysis the cornerstone of many accident & incident investigations and it is essential to airline safety FOQA/FDA programs. This course will touch on many specialized subjects with the intent of giving participants an overview of key issues associated with both flight and voice data.


Student Feedback:

"The course was very well presented and provided an appropriate amount of detail for the time given. The course materials are very helpful to explain and support the complicated data analysis topics discussed. Bill did a fantastic job, he was engaging and seemed very knowledged regarding the various subjects discussed"


"Thank you. I really appreciate the information shared by Dr. Bill Tuccio on this course. I look forward to taking more courses."

Course Outline

•    History of flight recorders/data replay
•    Early 'high tech' accidents & flight data issues
•    Crash survivability
•    Quick access recorders
•    Data sources/overview
•    ICAO Annex 6 and 13
•    CSV-ASCII vs Binary data
•    Audio analysis
•    CVR case study
•    Flight animation issues
•    Radar data examples

•    Airport familiarization using flight data
•    Image recording
•    Telemetry
•    Evidence based training
•    Data maps
•    Derived parameters
•    Parameter smoothing
•    ARINC characteristics
•    Case studies
•    Proper data extraction procedures
•    Industry updates