Aircraft Fire & Explosion Investigation (FEI)




Aircraft Fire & Explosion Investigation (FEI)
Duration: 4.5 days
CEUs: 3.6
Tuition: $3,000 USD 

Aircraft fires are among the biggest challenges to the accident investigator. High temperatures coupled with impact forces will often hide, alter, or in some cases, obliterate any useful evidence upon which to draw a scientific conclusion.

This course provides methodical and systematic ways to collect, examine, and analyze aircraft fire evidence to overcome those challenges. The course begins with a detailed explanation of fire chemistry, fluid and gas properties and ignition requirements (including electrical arc detection and mapping).

Once a solid fire science foundation is provided, attendees will then learn the many ways to interpret the evidence for possible further analysis and validation. This further analysis occurs in the lab with such tests as Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectroscopy (GCMS), Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR), High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) to name a few.

A multitude of military and civil case studies are woven into the subject material to further illustrate the investigative process in great detail by investigators who are active in the industry. You will learn the proper way to collect evidence and avoid potential problems such as cross-contamination.

The course concludes with the methodology, science and tools to investigate deliberate acts such as bombs, missiles and other acts of sabotage. These methods include determining properties of common explosives, material failure patterns, and sound source triangulation. Upon completion, students will receive a certificate of completion, thumb drive with all course material, and note-taking binder.

Who should attend: New investigators, experienced investigators seeking an update of methodology and aviation safety professionals.

Course Topics

•    Fire chemistry
•    Physics
•    Material/Fluid properties
•    Electrical arc mapping
•    In-flight fires
•    Ground fires
•    Toxicology
•    Evidence handling and protocol
•    Scene documentation
•    Area of origin
•    Point of origin
•    Bombs & explosions
•    Survivability aspects
•    Laboratory tests

•    Military & civil aircraft
•    Fire patterns
•    Occupant protection time
•    Burn-through
•    Fire entry paths
•    Survivability
•    Pool fires
•    Flame propagation
•    Case studies
•    Regulation & certification
•    Ignition sources
•    NFPA 921
•    The scientific method