Helicopter Accident Investigation (HAI)
Duration: 4.5 days
CEUs: 3.6
Tuition: $3,000 USD
Helicopter accidents provide many new challenges for the investigator principally because of the dynamic factors involved in helicopter performance and system design. Knowledge and experience in fixed wing aircraft accident investigation does provide a basic reference since most systems found on helicopters are similar to those found on fixed wing aircraft. There are however some very distinct differences. Most unique are the rotor systems and the aerodynamics of rotary wing flight. These are the focuses of the Helicopter Accident Investigation Course. The course assumes a basic knowledge of aircraft accident investigation. The instruction leads you through examples of the unique aspects of helicopter operations. There is a discussion of helicopter aerodynamics as they relate to accidents. You will learn about Ground Resonance and Dynamic Rollover. You will be introduced to the problems of Settling Under Power and Vortex Ring State and examine Human Factors involving helicopters.
You will also learn to identify some of the inflight problems associated with transmission and rotor failures. These include actual examples of Mast Bumping and Tail Rotor Failure. You will learn about the importance of crash survivability investigation in helicopter accidents and the specific areas of concern.
Although this course is about helicopters, knowledge and experience in helicopters is not necessary to take the course. Any one will benefit by taking this course from the novice who gains an introduction to the unique problems of helicopter operations to the expert for an update on modern helicopter issues. Helicopter Accident Investigation gives any investigator a valuable addition to his or her professional knowledge and qualifications.
The culminating event of this course is work in the crash lab with one of our wreckages. After the week's theory has been presented, attendees will be required to investigate the provided accident in a realistic and challenging manner. Minimal handholding here; we conduct this exercise to simulate a helicopter accident investigation as realistically as possible.
Who Should Attend
This course is for individuals who will be involved in rotary wing accident investigations in any capacity and assumes that the attendee has either experience in accident investigation or has completed a course such as SCSI's Aircraft Accident Investigation (AAI) course.
How You Will Benefit
Course Topics
Course Administration
The Helicopter Accident Investigation Course consists of 4.5 training days (36 hours of classroom instruction). Students will also spend time in the SCSI Crash Lab for Hands-on time investigating a helicopter crash exhibit. Students receive lecture outlines additional reference material and a Certificate of Completion. Classes begin daily at 0800 and end at noon on the final day. This course is one of the electives in the SCSI Certificate in Aircraft Accident Investigation
Typical Comments from Attendees