Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)
Duration: 4.5 days
CEUs: 3.6
Tuition: $3,000 USD
Beyond Part 107
SCSI offers an industry leading introduction to the world of Beyond Visual Line of Sight unmanned aircraft operations. Built on over 15 years of unmanned aviation experience, our course, developed in association with the International School of Unmanned & Remotely Piloted Aviation (ISURPA), will teach you about the requirements of BVLoS flying.
Our students have included staff from NASA, Boeing, the insurance industry and government agencies and Regulators from around the globe. Subjects studied include Airspace Integration, Safety Case development, Human Factors, pilot situational awareness and unmanned.
Using a classroom format of lectures, group exercises and case studies, the 4 1/2 day course provides an excellent introduction to the world of Unmanned Air Systems (UAS) and Remotely Piloted Air Systems (RPAS).
You will learn about the history of unmanned aircraft and examine a range of current systems designed for BVLoS flight. Individual lesson topics will vary between Ground Station interface design to GNSS limitations and from autopilot technology to safety management. Lessons also include the development of a SORA (Specific Operations Risk Assessment) and unmanned aircraft accident investigation. Students are introduced to the opportunities and the constraints imposed by unmanned operations, and by considering automation and autonomy, to the challenges posed to users and regulators alike.
Who Should Attend
How You Will Benefit
Course Topics
Course Administration
The Unmanned Aircraft Systems course consists of 4.5 training days (36 hours). Classroom participants receive lecture outlines, additional reference material, and a Certificate of Completion. Classes begin daily at 0800 and end at noon on the last day.